Hotel Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
April 3, 1938

Dear Folks,

Just a few lines to let you know everything is going on swell. You can expect me home sometime next Saturday to stay over the week-end. This letter won't be much because I soon have to return to the Home to catch up on les...

[bottom of letter is torn off]

[back of page]

Well, that is about all there is now. I'll have lots to tell when I get home for the weekend.

I'll be expecting a letter Wed. if possible.

As ever, Love, Dean

Elder Rudeen Allred
31 N. State
Salt Lake City, Ut.
% Missionary Home

Mission Home Roommates = Elders Watson, Farnsworth, Allred and McEntire. March, 1938

A scene from Room "6". Salt Lake, Mission Home. March, 1938